This weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to take my kids to a Christian music festival called Spirit West Coast in Del Mar. Oh the music was fantastic...Newsboys, Mathew West, Skillet, Kutless, and the like, the testimonies of famous musicians and guest speakers were inspiring, but the real joy came from being there with my 2 year old and my 2 teenagers. They were able to be bold in their faith and beliefs. They saw amazing role models of husbands loving and caring for their families and then praising God with open arms held up high. They witnessed people speaking out for Jesus Christ unashamedly. They were able to sing and get crazy for God in an arena where other Christians of ALL ages were doing the same.
The best part is that we got to do this together and they actually liked being with their old mama, ME! I am so blessed to have such wonderful, loving children, all three of them, and to be able to share a common faith that is not only mine, but theirs as well. There is no greater blessing than to see your children love the Lord with all their heart, minds, soul, and strength (Mark 12:29-31).
Out of all the memories of this weekend, the one that I'll treasure the most is seeing all of us jumping up and down, pounding out the beat with our fists to Skillet's very loud and amazing rock song called "Rebirthing". The words appropriately say..." Rebirthing now. I wanna live my life, I wanna give You everything!" Seeing Courtney and Josh giving it all in praise was one thing, but then I realized that Sophie, who was on top of her sister's shoulders, was also jumping up and down and raising her hands as well, grinning from ear to ear, rocking out to the beat just like her family! Oh, how happy God must be to see thousands of his very own creation lifting their hands, worshipping his awesome power and majesty...with all their heart, minds, soul and strength on that beautiful evening under the starry sky.