Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Created to Be

I know deep in my heart I was created to do something special. But what, I sometimes wonder? Is it to be a great teacher to hundreds of children? Is it to be the best servant leader in small group Bible study? God made me just who I am for a reason. God wants me to serve Him in some capacity. Is it to be a stay-at-home mom to my three children and wife extraordinaire to my sweet husband? I'm thinking...maybe, for now. Where I'm at is a good place for I'm so happy cooking, cleaning, and teaching my kids as one learns to read and the other two prepare for life in college. I'm able to be there, no REALLY be there for my family. They can call on me anytime day or night to talk through a monumental life question or discuss what the Bible says on any given subject. It's good that they trust me enough to just talk. I feel privileged that our relationship is such that they can do that with me. My kids are a blessing to me.

I worked full-time and part time for many years, but I was always pulled in so many directions. Now I'm only pulled in about 3 directions...one direction per child. It something I can handle. It's like going from having 32 kids in a classroom to only 20, but now I only have 3. I can HEAR them when they talk, and listen to what they're really saying. I can look into their eyes and read their body language. Most importantly I can be present when we are together instead of worrying about my lesson plans for the next day.

If I had my life to live all over again, I'd do it exactly the same. I've saved the best for last. I'm home with my family where I belong. I was created to be a wife and mother. My legacy belongs with them. For I know whatever I sow in their hearts today, they will sow in their children's hearts and their grandchildren's hearts after that. What I'm doing now may not seem all that important but I know over all it is affecting the future. My children will grow up knowing I loved them the best that I could. I gave them my all, not just a part of me.

I was created to be exactly who I am. I'm so glad I have friends that are closer than sisters, a sister who is a friend, a husband who loves me unconditionally, and children who call me "Mommie", "Mom", and "Mama". Life is good. Enjoy the time you have here on earth because it's short. Love your children with all your might. They are the reason we are created to be...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ramblings about Distractions...

What? I'm blogging? Yep, I found some time to journal today. Josh's Eagle Court of Honor for Boy Scouts is over finally. That extravaganza only took 2 months of dedication to plan and prepare for. It was a lot of fun, but boy am I glad it's over. I'm done with training for the LA Marathon. Boy, that took a lot of time. All I did each day for 4 months was walk, walk, jog a little, and walk some more!!! It was worth it, for all the little babies in China who got the medical care they needed, I walked to raise money for them. But now...now it's time for some down time. You know what I mean? I might have some time for myself....I hope. Time to do something I want to do like blogging, or catching up on my scrapbooking, or working out at the gym. I envy those blogger friends that blog on a regular basis.

I want to be like you one day. There is just so much to do and not enough time to do it. I don't know, maybe that's just an excuse...oh, it is. It seems that whenever I get on the computer, something...or someone...needs me. Have you ever tried to type with a 25 pound 35" adorable sweetheart on your lap? It can be done. Right now I'm holding her on my lap, smelling her fresh babyskin fragrance and I have to be honest with you it's distracting. I can only see the screen when she lifts her head. Typing without looking is challenging, you know. And then she says what she says every morning upon waking and finding me on the computer..."I'm hungry!" Well how can I ignore that? She wants to eat. She needs to eat. Then Josh comes in and says he's leaving for school and could I send in the money to pay for his college. Frank arrives shortly after with his list of things for me to do today. Sheesh! How can I have time to journal on the computer? What's the secret to having sustained journaling time on the computer? And pictures. What about those? Who's got time to take them let alone download them on the computer. I want to know your secrets. You know who you are...how do you do it?

So for now, enjoy my post. Who knows when the next one will be. My children are calling...gotta go feed them.