Starting today, I want to use my blog as a running journal of my life, not just a scrapbook of life with Sophie, although this is a good way for others to see what a special blessing she is for our family. It's just that I need a place log my collected thoughts, not so much for anyone reading it, but to help me figure things out.
I would love to have input from the blogging community on any thoughts presented here. For those of you new to blogging, please feel free to comment by pressing "comment" at the bottom. Create an account or sign in as anonymous but write you name in the body so I know who commented. It's easy and I'd love to read what you have to say!
So here goes...
We've lived here for over two months and it's tough living in a different place where you have no connections to people. After living in T.O. for the last 15 years, it's like traveling at full speed on the highway of relationships then all of a sudden coming to a complete traffic jam...not even creeping along...just dead stopped. I still maintain contact with my old friends, but I'm really ready to get some new ones started. Anyone have any suggestions or experience on making this happen?
One step in the right direction is that we finally found a church that we can call home and I think that will really get things going. I'm hoping that I'll get connected to a bible study, a playgroup, and/or by volunteering to serve others in someway it will provide opportunities to meet new people.
I realize that maybe God's plan for me right now might involve just relying on Him for companionship during this time and that would be OK too, but...I still need to be actively involved in something. That's how He made use my skills for others. It's just getting a little mundane around here. I know, I know, I need to start praying about it. So I guess that's where I'll start and hopefully by my next post I have something positive to post!
Until next time,
Lonely in the Hills