Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Sister

Sophie (Mei mei),

I Love you my little moon cake,

And I love your crooked smile.

Since you came from across the seas,

You made life better than it's been in a while.

I love your silly giggly laugh,

And I love watching you grow.

Everyword you say makes my heart smile,

It's hard not to let is show.

I love when you dance around the room

And I love the way you pat my back when we are hugging tight,

Your beautiful brown almond shaped eyes

always let me know when everything's all right.

I love how you use chopsticks to eat your rice.

And I love when your soft little hands are in mine.

When you twirl around in your princess dress,

I realize that this love is part of a perfect design.

I love your big kisses

And I love your little voice when you sing

God always knew you were the one for me

with all of the joy and love your bring.

I love you my little moon cake,

You are a slice of Heaven!




Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sophie's Favorites

I was inspired by Laurie's recent blog interviewing her son Aaron, Sophie's China travel mate, to also interview my sweet little princess. It's kinda cute to see how her little mind thinks. Enjoy a little piece of Sophie!


color: purple, green, red, yellow, black, brown and pink

clothes: Cinderella dress

food: ice cream, peanut butter, chocolate chip cookies

drink: lemondade...no water...and lemonade

dessert: vanilla ice cream

video: The Wiggles

activity: dance class

letter: abcdefg...Z (I guess she like all of them!)

place: Disneyland

Disney character and "best friend": Cinderella
BFF: MeiMei (that's what she calls her sister, Courtney)

ride at Disneyland: horsies, Dumbo, Cinderella castle, It's a small world after all, it's a small...(she just sang the whole song)

toy: puzzles

animal: horsies

books: Mouse a Cookie

Now I'll tell you what I think some of her favorites are according to what I witness everyday...

color: pink

clothes: anything girly girl, especially a yellow "Belle" dress, a white "Cinderella" dress, and any dress with sparkles on it!

food: grapes, watermelon, yogurt

dessert: strawberry ice cream, frozen GoGurts

drink: apple juice

video: Shrek
books: anything book in the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie series

computer site: Nick Jr.

computer games: Caillou, Team OomiZoomi, Kai Lan