Licking the last drop of yummy tapioca pudding off the spoon!

When you ask her to give you eyebrows, this is what she does...raises them up and down, up and down. It's the absolutely cutest thing I've ever seen!

Sophie enjoys playing in places that have bright, colorful balls.
I can't believe the gift I have been given. I stand constantly amazed how much I love this little girl! I am so in love with my 18 pound little package of sweetness. Sophie has warmed my heart to the very soul. I can't believe what a privilege it is for me to be called her mama. Every single day, I see her grow, change, do something simply adorable, or revel in her 10 perfect little toes. How much can one person love another? I can't believe that I ever doubted if I could love someone as much as my other two bio kids, but she is proof that anything is possible in God's economy. God has given me an amazing adventure to be part of. Sophie is everything I had hoped for, but so much more. All of us love her incredibly. It's hard to believe it's possible how much joy she brings all of us. People always ask if she's mine, doubting if a 40's-something mom like me could have such a small baby. Well, the answer's always an amazingly contented resounding, "Yah, can you believe it? I'm the luckiest mommie in the world!"
1 comment:
Wow, looking at all these pics, Sophie is off and running - can me if you can, Mommy :-) I'm so glad the surgery was a success; but did we have any doubt with such a wonderful patient.
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