Courtney posted these pictures of her mei mei. Can you tell that Sophie is her favorite subject to photograph? She sorted through 400 pictures of Sophie taken over the last 2 weeks and finally chose these 12. Enjoy her artistic creativity! Note: The pictures with Courtney in them were either taken by Josh or me.
modeling her sparkly shoes in front of the couch.
is it possible to go up a slide?
Courtney's favorite from that sunny day at the park. :)
Crazy driver at the Santa Barbara Zoo...
Do I look cool or goofy?
They were trying to take cover from the bird poop!
One of her favorite animals at the zoo is the giraffe (look carefully in the background).
Goofing around with her brother, cousins Elizabeth and Mike at the park by Nonie's house.
Her Godmother and cousin, Analise, just adores Sophie as much as Josh!
And there's Chloe, waiting for any little morsel of string cheese dropped by Sophie.
Sophie has so much fun at the park with her Mei Mei!
Sweet pictures! I'm trying to figure out your weather- sundress in one shot, winter leggings in another. :) Love the shot w/the monkey- too cute!
Hi all of you..Sophie is getting cuter and cuter...and growing so fast..
A first that will go wherever she goes, the potty, shot....oh mommie..
I send my love to all so take care, love, hugs and kisses.....auntie kiki
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