Well, we've been waiting for our TA-travel approval which I thought would be here by now. They told us 2-3 weeks. We are on day 24...and still waiting. It's like a cross country flight that is supposed to only take 5 hours but ends up taking "days" to get to your final destination because every time you think you're on your way, the plane has to stop for a connecting flight. Ugh!
I was happy to find an email from our agency travel coordinator today! But the only thing I got out of it was that there are no guarantees on when we'll get our TA. She just told us to hurry up and get our travel documents faxed over to her office. "Hurry up and wait" that's the name of the game!
It's kinda weird how now I'm not getting my hopes up at all. It's a real let down to be so close yet so far. We have no control over any of this. The only thing I do know is that I need to walk by faith. That's what this long journey has taught me the most. We think that we are in charge of our lives, but that's all a big hoax. We think we have control...but we don't have any control at all.
I must admit that I would LOVE to travel the second week of December as that is when my substitute will be taking over. If I leave any earlier, I will have to get a sub for a couple of days before the 2nd sub (the more desirable long term sub) took over. God has always provided and been my rock. He has this "perfect timing" thing down. Apparently, I don't. So, I'll continue to trust in Him and just trust that it will all work out. Besides, even though everyday I'm disappointed that the next call hasn't come, I'm getting pretty excited that soon I'll have my little Sophie Rose in my arms forever!
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