Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Sophie!

Today is Sophia Rose's first birthday! We are so sorry that we aren't able to celebrate with her in Jiangsu, China. We'll figure we'll find a bakery that makes delicious mooncakes and party with her there. Tonight we'll have a little celebration in Thousand Oaks with white cake, a candle, and ice cream. We can't pass up an opportunity for a party, can we? Maybe we'll even go out for Chinese food. Yum! It's starting to become so real that we can hardly stand it! Besides the sleepless nights, we're trying to focus on all the positive aspects of becoming parents to a baby again. Staying positive is the key here. Happy birthday dear Sophie! We'll be coming to get you 10 days!

1 comment:

Michelle McKinney said...

Happy Birthday, Sophie! We're part of the VCIASG online following. We have 2 sons, a 3-year old born in Taiwan and 18 months, born in Vietnam. We are so excited for your family and for Sophie. May the Lord bless her life more than she can ever imagine! And Happy Thanksgiving!