The look of joy to be in her mommie's arms after a bath...

The look of a beauty queen modeling her sister's baptismal dress...-

The look of uncertainty being so close to a lit candle celebrating her 18 month birthday...

The look of merriment as she drives her favorite ice cream truck from her grandma...

The look of total elation as she mimics the expressions and gestures of her big sister Courtney...

The look of amazement with herself after she pulls along a toy dog by a string for the first time...

The look of contentment as she takes a rest on her favorite step...

and finally, the look of regret, as she figures out that she spilt her milk again for the 100th time!
Sweet Sophie! I can't pick a favorite 'cause she is too precious in all of them!!
Hi, she is getting cuter every day, and that smile will go a long way....wrap her Daddy around her little pinky and Mommie too, besides her big sister and brother..such a little lady..hugs and kisses, auntie kiki/killer
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