I like the feel of the sand running through my fingers.
Here's my daily schedule...
7:30 Wake up and begin playing with my hands, say good bye to Joshie and Daddy
8:00 Have my morning milk cuddled up with my mommie
8:30 Floor time-play with my toys and practice my crawling and walking
9:00 Breakfast of banana, Cheerios, toast
9:30 Baby Einstein or music video
10:00 Outdoors time-go for a walk in my stroller or the baby carrier
10:30 Wake up Jie-Jie (Courtney) and play with her in her bedroom (cool stuff in there)
11:00 Help Mommie with chores (bang on pots, stack bowls, dust mop floor with tummy)
11:30 Milk time number 2 as my doggie, Chloe, lays next to me
12:30 Lunch-I'll eat anything
1:00 Sleepytime
3:00 Go to pick up my big bruder-Joshie, from school
3:30 Play with Josh, sometimes he takes me to the park
4:30 More floortime for blocks, books, and balls
5:00 Dinnertime
6:00 Time for Daddy to come home!!!
7:30 Splish splash it's time to take a bath
8:00 Books and a bottle...yawn...
8:30 Nighty-night time!
1 comment:
good evening, as i can see Sophie is getting bigger, and more like a baby...
she is getting so big, it seems she grows, every time I see her...
and she is very smart, too smart...
love and kisses, and will chat later, auntie kiki/killer
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