Thousands of starfish washed ashore. A little girl began throwing them in the water so they would not die. “Don’t bother, dear,” her mother said, “it won’t make a difference.” The girl stopped for a moment and looked at the starfish in her hand. "It will make a difference to this one."
As Sophie is sleeping (going on hour 2) :), I have a moment to reflect on the sweet blessing our Lord Jesus has given our family. I sit here amazed at His great love for us, that He would give our family such INCREDIBLE JOY!!!!! Sophie is "practicially perfect in every way" (quote from Mary Poppins). She sleeps well, is happy most of the time, has soooo much personality we just burst with happiness, and gives us something to be passionate about.
Oh, I still get comments from people who think we're crazy having a baby at such a late time in our lives, but I have to say that there's nothing I'd rather be doing than rocking my sweet baby to sleep, feeding her Cheerios from my lips, introducing her to new foods, playing with her stacking cups on the floor, making her giggle while I nibble on her toes-ears-knees and belly, and changing her diaper for the millionth time. It's all good! I can't think of a better way to spend my time than making a difference in this little angel's life. I feel it is an honor and a blessing to have her in my life at this time. She gives us a reason to live, to stay active and healthy. We are blessed beyond all measure to be raising Sophie. Thank you Lord Jesus for the opportunity! I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!!!!!!!!!
As Sophie is sleeping (going on hour 2) :), I have a moment to reflect on the sweet blessing our Lord Jesus has given our family. I sit here amazed at His great love for us, that He would give our family such INCREDIBLE JOY!!!!! Sophie is "practicially perfect in every way" (quote from Mary Poppins). She sleeps well, is happy most of the time, has soooo much personality we just burst with happiness, and gives us something to be passionate about.
Oh, I still get comments from people who think we're crazy having a baby at such a late time in our lives, but I have to say that there's nothing I'd rather be doing than rocking my sweet baby to sleep, feeding her Cheerios from my lips, introducing her to new foods, playing with her stacking cups on the floor, making her giggle while I nibble on her toes-ears-knees and belly, and changing her diaper for the millionth time. It's all good! I can't think of a better way to spend my time than making a difference in this little angel's life. I feel it is an honor and a blessing to have her in my life at this time. She gives us a reason to live, to stay active and healthy. We are blessed beyond all measure to be raising Sophie. Thank you Lord Jesus for the opportunity! I wouldn't have missed it for the world!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Paula, I am so happy for you! What gifts we have been given in our precious children! God is so good! Daily I think I could have missed this, what would my life have been like without each of my precious children? They each add something so sweet.
I have been thinking about you. We just got home from being out of town for Christmas. I would love to hear more about Sophie and find a time to get together!
I LOVE seeing your precious girl in your arms!
Rejoicing with you
Good evening, was checking your blog to see if there where any new pictures which you do...great
She is a cute doll, and its seems she is always in a good happy mood...
She seems to be getting bigger, every time I see pictures of her, must be the rice and cheerio's.. Grandpa, would have a field day with her, feeding her all that Filipino food, using his fingers..
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