Between Aunt Sog (Ayi), Courtney, and me, we've compiled a bunch of pictures from the past couple of days. By now you might be getting tired of seeing our little plum blossom smiling, in different clothes, and doing other amazing feats, but we haven't tired of it yet so here we go...
Each day is a new gift to open...Sophie brings all of us such joy...we can't wait to see what she does next...

Wearing Jie Jie's Christmas dress from 18 years ago

Sophie didn't really like wearing Santa hats so getting a good picture was quite difficult.

Dad is teaching her early how to search for good deals in the ads the day after Christmas.

"Look, Daddy! Kohl's has a 70% off sale on fine jewelry. Maybe we should get Mommie something?"

This little outfit was a gift from Aunt Lisa and boy, it looks cute on her! It was the first dress we put her in since we got her. The adorable pink striped leg warmers showed off her long, skinny legs.

Sophie has a talent for anything musical. Aunt Sog took out some bowls and gave her some chopsticks and away she went. Needless to say, Mommie doesn't bring out the bowls much because the banging is too loud. She'll have to save that experience for when she visits her ayi!

Enjoying the sunshine and all that nature has to offer. Sophie found a dainty little daisy and plucked off each tiny petal one by one.

Learning to walk is Sophie's main pasttime now. She is developing her skills daily.

This was the day we went to the hospital for an ultrasound of Sophie's kidneys and bladder. We were checking for any traces of melamine, the chemical that some baby formula companies in China were putting in their milk. Thank the Lord, Sophie's results were all negative! Yay!

Aunt Sog is holding Sophie's hands as she practices her walking skills wearing her sweet little hoodie from her ayi.

And finally...I love this shot that captures Soapy's devilish grin.
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