Warning: The following blog has lots of words and few pictures. Enter at your own risk!
I thought I'd give you some insight from a "new" experienced mommie's point of view. Sophie is an amazing little girl. We have had it easy, except for the first hour of crying on Gotcha Day. She likes to eat and does a really good job with it, cleft palate and all. The only difference is that ocassionally, a little drippy food will leak out of her one nostril. It's kinda weird but we just tissue it off. She also has a special soft-sided bottle with a chewable nipple that we are able to squeeze to help her get the milk out. She's not able to suck because of the big cleft in the roof of her mouth. No big deal.
Sophie is a great sleeper too! She has slept through the night 2 out of 3 times. When you put her down, she goes right to sleep. This kid is way easier than my other two were.
Our new daughter likes to go shopping and look at all the sights. She's very curious and looks at people, blinking lights, listen to music, watch fish in a tank, and loves to hold onto things with a tight grip. So if you put anything in her hand...you buy it because she won't let go without a fight.
I thought maybe because she spent a year in an orphanage that she wouldn't like to be around people, ride in cars, or be touched by strangers. Well we were blessed with a little one who has no problems with any of those things. Because she is so cute and small, many people come up to her and talk to her, stroke her round cheeks, hold her hand, some waitresses or jewelry salesmen also pick her up. No tears at all! She's like a little Chinese celebrity.
I know you're probably thinking it's easy now because I have 3 other big people around to help me all the time, and you're absolutely right. Also, we're probably in a honeymoon stage, yah, yah, yah. Just let me enjoy my little utopia for awhile! It's way better than I expected so everyday I'm just so thankful to God for blessing us beyond measure! Others who have done this before said that this is an incredible journey, rich with incredible feelings, blessings too numerous to count, and instant unconditional love. Well it's true! I wouldn't have traded any of the millions of governmental hoops we've had to jump through, the cost, the incredibly long wait, the sleepless nights worrying about what could be, or the zillions of questions people ask with that tone of voice that said, "What are you thinking? Are you out of your mind? Aren't you too old to be starting over again?" Let me just tell you once and for all...YES...we are out of our mind...and yes we may be older parents...but ,people, this is one wild ride that is totally amazing and sooooooooooooo worth it! I am extremely glad that I listened to God who was telling me to show His love to the ones he loves sooooo much and not worry about my self. He promises to take care of all of our needs and he has with this adoption journey. God is to be praised and given all the glory! Our God is crazy in love with us and wants us to experience life to the fullest...and that is exactly what we're doing! May you be blessed by this incredible gift from God as well.
Love you!
Sophie's forever mama